Sunday, October 16, 2011

Embarassing Purchases

There are many things I love about my phone. It has a data plan, lots of apps, and a really cool keyboard that allows me to type up messages faster than ever.

But I also find that I hate my phone. People ask why I hate it, and with so many things I don't like about it (largely because I am trained to notice the things I hate) I find myself stumbling as to what to tell them. So I decided to find the key reason I dislike my phone so I can have it on hand whenever someone asks. And the key reason is:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pursed Lips

My wife and I walk to the car and I go to open the door for her.

Because I need her to unlock the door so that I can open it, I pause and say, "You have the purse."

"No I don't. You do."

Sure enough. I had placed it under my arm as we walked out the door.

What's worse is that I knew I had the purse just as I finished stating that she had it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ancient Aztecs

One benefit of being slightly older than my peers in school is my age gets me a few extra perks. For instance, when I traveled out of state with two colleagues and we rented a car, I was the only one who could drive it; I was 25, everyone else was 24 or younger, and they would have had to pay more for insurance.

Woo hoo!

The car rental place even upgraded our car to a Pontiac Aztec, for free! And because I was using a platinum credit card, I didn’t have to pay extra for the insurance. Things are looking up!