Monday, September 20, 2010

Hammocks Are For Fruit?

When my wife and I were still single and “weren’t dating” I went with her parents to go see some plays down at the Shakespeare festival in Cedar City. While there we took a day trip to St. George to meet up with my wife’s uncle and cousin.

My wife’s family was picking up her cousin so that he could come to visit for a few weeks.

Before arriving, my wife warned me that her uncle was a bit rough, and would probably have some “blue language.” Thankfully I can usually handle that kind of language.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hick Humor

In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I have a tendency to keep my mouth shut and allow people to think me pure. But occasionally I open my mouth and remove all doubt.

About 10 years ago I got a job working in the back room of a phone card manufacturer. I helped package large bundles of phone cards that were shipped all around the country. I also had a couple coworkers who similarly packaged up phone cards.