Friday, May 20, 2011

It IS Supposed to Be Stick Dudes

Imagine you regularly visit a gaming portal where other people post their home-made video games for the world to rate. You’ve been doing these reviews for a while, and have even contributed to getting some really pathetic games kicked off of the site (a.k.a. “blammed”).

One day, you stumble across an RPG game that has a moderate score, so you decide to check it out. Turns out that the game is absolutely pathetic. The controls don’t let you do much, the progression of the game is pedestrian, and yet many people give it a high rating.

You can’t understand why, so you decide to expend the effort to give this so-called “game” a bad review. The unsuspecting should be forewarned.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Black Friday

Occasionally Black Friday happens more often than the day after Thanksgiving. In this case, May 13th, 2011.

I heard about Rebecca Black’s music video from my students mere days after it was released.

It was absolutely shocking. In a William Hung sort of way.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Arthur Luck

Arthur Luck—if anything can go wrong, it will, and at the most inopportune time

Arthur Luck appears to be a genetically heritable characteristic and can vary in its manifestation and extremity. Unlike most afflictions, Arthur Luck is utterly predictable. Arthur Luck WILL happen. The only questions are when, where, and how.

I remember when my parents left one of my brothers on the front porch when they went to church. Three hours later, he was still there, locked out and upset that his family had deserted him. Or, when my family came to see me off before a trip to Thailand, and my sister spent the whole time at the airport puking into a trash can.