Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Different Strokes

Some of you may recall an 80s TV show of that name, and I just want to say that has nothing to do with the topic of this blog.  Ah, Gary Coleman at his finest, may he rest in peace…

In a recent discussion, a friend revealed that his father had suffered a stroke at a surprisingly young age. Despite a small loss of motor control, his father could still get around well.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blinker Blankness

Several years ago I got into a conversation with one of my coworkers, “Carol,” about Utah drivers. She had lived in several other states and countries, and had experienced the driving habits of drivers in each of those places. Her dearly held opinion was that Utah drivers were the worst. I agreed, but asked what her reasoning was. So Carol mentioned that she knew someone who did not use his blinker. When confronted, that person mentioned that if he were to use his blinker, it would “burn out more quickly.”

Really? What on earth is the blinker for, if not to signal that a person is changing lanes or turning a corner? As a different coworker of mine mentioned a few weeks ago, “Driving is more than getting from point A to point B; it's getting from A to B in a predictable way.”